Interior Contexts

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Rare Collectibles

An extraordinary collection of landscape depictions, where each is one of its kind.

Statement Bonsai

One off showstoppers for larger rooms, terraces, balconies and gardens.

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  • Biophilic Design Consultation

    Providing services to blur the boundaries between indoors and outdoors. Designing based to deliver on wellbeing needs, air quality, lighting and scents.

  • Spacial Styling

    Celebrate your home's soul with the perfect mix of botanicals based on your needs. Using vertical spaces effectively, balcony jungles, indoor tropicals and styling for hosting and events.

  • Bonsai Immersion Programmes

    Education programs from basic maintenance, to advanced learning and study groups to nurture your passion.

  • Corporate Gifting

    Living gifts for corporates and real estate based on your needs and budget.